
{honest scrap}

i have received a challenge from Nicola over at Inside the Cabinet of Wonder. She has tagged me for the Honest Scrap award, in which the tagee (me) shares ten things that no one else knows with their readers. i'm not certain of how honest i should be, since i know for a fact that a close friend of mine is privy to this blog. but i'll try-try-try to live up to my own expectations:

1. i don't really beleive in happiness
2. i spend more time in my head than out of it
3. i have kicked my cat
4. when i forget to feed my fish, i get sick with guilt
5. sometimes i take the stairs even if i am exhausted
6. i live in fear of being sad
7. i'm scarred of going back to school
8. i get little shocks of anxiety all the time, with no reason or warning
9. i think i can be a very very mean person
10. i'm one of those stupid girls who is so obsessed with their appearance that they let things fall through their fingers

i'm supposed to tag ten other bloggers, but i don't really know who i should tag. so i'll leave it at this.
i had  little bit of insight and fun, right?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3.9.09

    oh don't mind me dear. seriously, if anything's too private just tell me not to read it and i won't
    but so far everything is great, and wonderfully written
