

Originally uploaded by
my Grandfather came in from london yesterday.
he blew in in a flurry of old leather and salt-and-pepper,
and our house has a way of being
by the energy he brings and the magical quality that he

he brought me a beautiful edition of the sonnets
on the cover, shakespeare
(with a full head of hair)
looks to young and beautiful
for the portrait to be
and this morning, when i cracked my door to see if the house was still there
i found my own sonnet on the floor.

there was a time my poetry meant more to me than bread
my metaphor more dear than pearl, my simile more rare.
i cared no more for common talk than silver boys for lead
why stoop to pray or rise to walk when there are wings and air?
and so i flew and wore the stars as diamonds on my chest
the sun a mere cosmetic then to turn my feathers gold
when others saw how far i rose, how remote from the rest
they'd wonder at my madcap dance and think me something bold.
and yet when i succumbed to earth my pinions scorched and sore
they'd barely noticed that i had flown nor heard a word i'd sung.
they'd drowned me out with chit and chat, diversions of the young.
mundane affairs as war and love and sometimes love and war
it seems to me we choose and choose when to ascend or no.
Today i dare to choose the plain.
It was not always so.
-Jack Winter
30 aug. 2009

1 comment:

  1. simply wonderful.
    such a lovely post. :)
    it made me smile.

    i have tagged/awarded you on my blog. :D
